Frequently Asked Questions

I've selected the wrong variant or regretted my purchase. Can I cancel my order?
Yes, as long as you contact us within 24 hours of order confirmation. If you have a change of heart and no longer wish to receive your order, please reach out to us through the chat box or e-mail us at and we will cancel your order.

Please note two important things:

  • In case you notice the wrongfully selected variant only after receiving the product, we are unable to refund your payment.
  • Once an order has been shipped, it cannot be canceled.

I'm shopping for gifts, will I get my order in time?
As most of our products are shipped from our China warehouse, we advise against relying on our store for last-minute gifts, as shipping times can take up to 2 weeks.

What happens if I entered shipping details incorrectly?
If you have mistakenly entered incorrect shipping details, please inform us immediately through the chat box or by emailing, providing your order number along with the correct shipping information. However, if you don't contact us in time, we cannot be held responsible if the order is undeliverable due to it having already been shipped out to the wrong location, and we are unable to offer a free reship in these cases.

Please note that shipping details can only be entered in English letters.

Tracking shows "delivered" but I never received it.
In the unfortunate event that your package shows as "delivered" but you have not received it, we regret to inform you that we cannot provide a free replacement. We highly recommend providing your phone number during checkout so that the delivery company can contact you in case of any emergencies. Rest assured, we will not use your phone number for spam or contact purposes.

Where is Adorabyte based?
Adorabyte is a Brazil based online store. We fully comply with and operate under the protection of brazilian law, ensuring your rights and security when you shop with us.